Monday, December 6, 2010

This and That...

I think I'm 35 or 36 weeks not sure, but I think my belly looks weird. But you can tell now where my ginormouse babies like to hide... in my ribs!

This is our family photo we took after we decorated the Christmas tree.
So life for us has been pretty much normal. Tony got to come home to us a little sooner have planned because his job season ended sooner that we thought it would, so that was a delightful treat to get him back. Life has been pretty mellow. Just Doctors appointments and Christmas shopping and everyday things. I am now 38 weeks into my pregnancy and ready to be done, between my screwed up sacrum, my pubis symphesis popping every time I turn over, peeing every hour when I'm sleeping, and my numb stomach because that's where my babies think its so much fun to hang out at.....I'm ready....and I think Tony is too! I could have been induced a week early but I decided to be nice to my mom and wait till my due date to do so, so that way she can be there. I'm not a fan of being induced but because I have big babies it come highly recommended for me. And even though my water broke on its own with Erinn I was basically induced because my contractions weren't starting on their own.*sigh* So lucky me I get to be put on pitosin and hallucinate on statol because I refuse to get an epidural. I don't care how good the anesthesiologist is that's my spine and they are not touching it with a needle. I know everyone has their opinions on that, and that's mine.... and its not gonna change. Anywho!
Decorating for Christmas this year was so fun with Erinn! Granted we did put up the tree and the lights on the tree while she was napping. But we saved the ornaments for her to help us hang them. She was so excited to help it was adorable. She would go and grab the ornaments and bring them to us and we would put them on, because she couldn't get the hang of hooking them on by herself. Now I think that Tweee(tree) is her favorite word! She loves to point at the tree and say Tweee, its super cute.
Life in Rexburg is just fine, cold of course but just fine. We miss our families, but we are enjoying our new adventure so far and getting to know the town and our new ward. Our ward is so nice and everyone is so friendly.
We sure hope that everyone is have a good holiday season so far. We sure love you and miss you.


  1. You and your family are adorable! How fun that Erin loves decorating the tree! Christmas is always so much better with kids around! Hope everything goes well with your delivery and that you are not in too much pain!

  2. Thank you! ya i'm hoping that this labor is a bit shorther than Erinns.

  3. I know you're waiting to find out if it's a boy or a girl....have you decided on names yet? Good luck with the delivery!

  4. Jayne if its a girl. and for a boy either Boston or Bowman.

  5. I hope you have your baby sooner than later! A birthday next to or on Christmas is not fun! Good luck! And hopefully they have as much hair as Erinn.

  6. Good luck! Those last few weeks are difficult, huh??? I was even more ready to have Jonah than Georgie. I wonder if baby #3 (when the time comes...not prego!) will be even worse?

    Everyone's entitled to their own way because it's their own experience. I wish people would remember that more often! I hope you have a happy one!

  7. We are thinking of you and passing along good labor wishes. Lots of love from the Jones'.
