Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jayne = Constant Adventure…

Meet Jayne…


Jayne likes to push her diaper down and walk around with plumber butt. ( apparently  both the girls like to scribble all over my mirror….. ya I know its disgusting looking)


Jayne likes to climb into things and then complain because she can’t get out, I usually let her try to figure it out on her own, and this time she did a good job at figuring it out!


Jayne is pretty silly and I love her adorable personality, it’s sooooo different than Erinn’s. (Erinn is pretty darn adorable too!)


We taught Jayne how to do the “ my name is chubby face” and its Awesome!!


Jayne is soooo stubborn some day I’m not sure how it handle it, but I survive and wonder what the next day holds.