OK so about a month ago Tony was all excited because he had plans to take me to the chocolate festival. Well we went this weekend. It was a tone of fun all kinds of old cars and craft booths and food and yep chocolate. Well for about a month I battle back and forth with I've never been to the chocolate festival and I don't know when I will get to go again........ so my dilemma was do I take a break from my new years resolution for the day and have fun and have some chocolate and any other tasty treats that I might like to have or do I stick to it and say I did it for 365 days of the year????? Well.... I decided to have fun and indulge :p I have to say that it was the most idiotic indulge I have decided to make (remember no candy, ice cream and cookies). So one of the first things we come upon was free ice cream samples and the Smuckers booth sweet! Remember I am enjoying the day... The sample was like a table spoon of ice cream and a topping of my choice, I chose strawberry......yum! Well because of my morning sickness eating sugar really makes my stomach upset, wish I would have remembered that SMALL detail, because that table spoon of ice cream did it for me I was done with the sweets after the first 10 min of being there. If I would have remembered that I would still have my 365 day record.... now I have a 364 day record LAME! So ya I didn't even get any chocolate at the chocolate festival. So here is my confession. On the up side we got a free picture!