So we get there, set up Erinns port-a-crib, lay her down. Then we set up our air matress I asked Tony if he had brought any blankets from his parents house, to which he responded "no, why?" (all of our blanket are somewhere in the moving truck) Needless to say it was a very cold night and we found out why we could figure out how to turn our heater up....We share a heater with our downstairs neighbor.... and they have the heater controls.(thats fine just wish I would have known that from the begining) But Tonys Dad let us use his sleaping bag for the other half of the night. I felt bad. I asked him how he slept for the rest of the night he said "fine" I asked if he was cold he said "not really", I'm pretty sure he was and was just being super nice.
Our Elders Quorum President from our new ward (who we haddn't met or talked to before) shows up on our door step at like 9:00 in the morning and asks if we want help now or later in the day. I left that up to Tony to decide and he said "now". So our EQ President calls up his family and the truck is unpacked into the house in like 1-2 hours, It was so nice to have help.
So over the next couple of days we unpack most of the boxes and get things situated. Our landlords live in Boise and they called and said that the were going to be in town on that saturday to fix a few things that needed to be done, and so that they could meet us. Great! I was hoping Tony would get to meet them before he had to go back down to California. Our landlords are very nice, and we really like them lots.
Sunday morning We said our good-byes and I bawled like a baby ( you know its really hard to watch a daddy say good bye to there kids). I went back to bed because Tony and his Dad left at like 5 in the morning. 2 hours later I get a phone call from Tony telling me that his front drivers side tired had failed and that the tread came off and in the process busted off the fender. So I had to figure our where they were... and find the closest tow truck company to where they were so they could get a new tire, because Tony and forgot to make sure the spare tire had air in it. So a tow truck ride later and 2 new tires on the car (because one of the other tires needed to be replaced too) they are back on the road and make it back to Tony's parents house with out any other complications. (The picture below is from the trip back when the tread came off the tire.)

Ok so Tony got home on Sunday. Monday as he was drining home from work something happen with the shifter on his car. I gues there is this little part that connects the shifter stick to the transmission that holds them together so that you can shift easily. Well..... it broke. So we had to fix that. after searching high and low they found it on ebay, and it was 20 bucks. Sweet! Not too bad. so now we were faced with do we want to make a claim with the insurance about the fender to get it fixed and have a mark against him and have our insurance go up or fix it our self? Well we had decided on fixing it our self because we could get a fender for $40 and the just have to get it painted. Thank goodness we haddn't baught the fender yet, because I get a phone call from Tony.
Tony: Uh hey... we aren't going to have to buy the fender now... Me: Really? Why? Tony: Well... because I just got rear ended and shoved into the person in front of me. Me: *gasp* (freaking out silently in my head) Uh.. ok... are you ok?!?!?!? Tony: Yes I'm fine but the car is dead. Me: (thinking... the heck with the car!) Are you sure your ok?!?! Tony: Yes Audra I'm fine..... um I need to go I'm using someone else's cell phone will you call my Mom and tell her what happend and that I might need a ride.
Ok so Tony hates carrying a cell phone and I tried to make him carry one for these kind of reasons, but it was pointless because half the time it would sit on the counter forgotten at home.
So I call his Mom and tell her all about it and answer all of her questions the best I can and let her know that he would be calling when he needed a ride.
So apparently what had happened was traffic was going along really well on the road that he was on and it came to a stop I guess unexpectedly and thats why the guy behind him ended up crashing into him. The man who hit him was an on Duty Parol Officer. So good news is he is insured through the state. So as far as we know things will work out insurance wise. I feel bad for the guy who hit him, I hope he's not in trouble at work for crashing a work car.
Tony is doing fine he went to the chiropractor to get adjusted and our chiropractor wanted him to wait through the weekend so that his muscels could relax and let the symptoms manifest themselves and he gave Tony some paper work to fill out so Tony could write down what the symptoms were so that the chiropractor could see what kind of stuff he was dealing with since the car accident was that bad. He said that if the accident had been worse he would be taking a different approach. Tony says he feel fine, he says that the only thing he feels like he needs is and adjustment and a really nice/ grueling massage from me when he gets back. So ya this is our month of October for us. Hope your was Better. Enjoy looking at the pictures!